Saturday, April 26, 2014

After 3 years...

I made this blog 3 years ago, and I randomly checked it today and I saw that so many people have already viewed my blog! (Even though I only had just 1 post!) Well, this was very interesting and it made me want to continue blogging!! So, I have decided to post about the highlights of the stories in OnePiece. I really like the idea that wherever Luffy goes, he will find someone who would want to be his crew. Also, all of his crew members have different skill and powers, and they have their specific roles in the ship (which makes it even more interesting!) I am so excited to look through the previous episodes once again and to talk about it! I LOVE ONEPIECE!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

OnePiece : The Story of the Straw-Hat Pirates

I love to read comics. It has been my favorite among my hobbies since I was young. I like the adventures, stories, powers, and anything that the characters have in the comics. That makes me spend my time on reading comics. I have read many comics, famous or not, such as Naruto, Bleach, and Rave. I like all the stories that each have. However, among all the comics that I have read, I like OnePiece best.

OnePiece is a story of a man, Luffy, whose ambition is to become a pirate king, and his crew, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky and Brook, as of now.

Luffy is also known as Straw-Hat because of the straw hat that he always wears which is also his treasure. It was given by Red-Hair Shanks, who risked his arm and saved Luffy when Luffy was in danger. Luffy takes it as his treasure because Shanks gave the straw hat to Luffy as sign of friendship. Fighting for justice, Luffy is not afraid of anything or anyone because he knows that his friends are with him and he believes that he will finally become the pirate king.

Luffy is a rubber man because he ate the fruit of the devil. It is the fruit that gives special ability to anyone who eats it and there are no two same abilities. However, one who eats it will be cursed by the sea and will not be able to swim. Because he is a rubber man, he can stretch his body anytime he wants. He is also strong because of his ability.

The Straw-Hat pirates are strong although they are just few. Each of them has their own powers and they are able to fight for themselves. That is why Luffy and his crew depend on each other.

What makes me to read OnePiece is that Straw-Hat Pirates are fighting for what is right, and they really take their friendship importantly and seriously. Also, I find it fun to read it because I also want to have adventures like them. Their adventures are amazing, and unbelievable.

The adventures are not over yet, so I am still curious about what will be happening next. I will continue to read it until the last episode, and I will be reading it again and again. This is how I really like OnePiece. I hope the writer of OnePiece writes another nice story after finishing OnePiece.